CAS BI 216- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 57 pages long!)

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Evolution occurred over 4 billion years: dna - units are nucleotides (gcat); gc and ats pair. Made of deoxyribose sugar + phosphate + one of 4 nitrogenous bases. Information is 1-dimensional - can be stored in a computer can interpret, store, replicate, transmit genetic information: dna regions stored as genes -> assembled into chromosomes. Humans have 24 types of chromosomes - 3 x 10^9 base pairs; 25k genes. 6 million pages of text; 250 words a page. Proteins - allow animals to reproduce, adapt to the environment, move: use sources of energy and grow, 20 different types, polymers of amino acids - from polypeptide chains into 3d structures determined by aa sequences. Aa - have basic amino group (-nh) and acidic carboxyl group (cooh) on each end; side chain determines aa chemical properties: chymotrypsin/elastase = enzymes that help break down other proteins.