ETH STD 101B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jose Antonio Vargas, Racial Profiling, Sandra Cisneros

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Can understand national culture to be made up of master narratives. Present to us certain histories through images they give us. The master narratives presented to us through national culture work to occlude histories of violence, oppression & resistance. In being represented as citizen within the political sphere, however, the subject is split off from the unrepresentable histories of situated embodiment that contradict the abstract form of citizenship. (8) Argues that it"s an abstract form of citizenship. This idea of citizenship we have is an image that can never be actualized--idea images. Presented through national culture is kind of impossible. The concept of citizenship as it"s represented to us through national culture cannot account for the lived experiences of bipoc. & other folks excluded from the master narratives. Re-membering is the act of finding the voice & agency to look at the past. & tell a different story (from the master narrative)