BIO 1105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nictitating Membrane, Zygomatic Arch, Vertebral Column

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18 Jan 2016

Document Summary

6 anatomical regions: cranial, cervical, pectoral, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic. Vibrissae- whiskers for tactile discrimination, gap measurement, movement detection. Ear- made of pinna (external ear) & auditory meatus (internal ear canal) Brown fat- b/t shoulder baldes for heat production. Cutaneous trunci- muscles attached to forelegs & lateral/dorsal abdomen and chest. Males: prepuce preputial orifice (penis extends from here) urogenital orifice (secretions) Skull: cranium, zygomatic arch, maxilla, mandible, incisors, molars. Vertebral column: cervical 7 (atlas & axis, 1st two form joint for head movement), thoracic 13 (rib cage extends from it), lumbar 6, sacral 4, caudal 26-30 ctlsc. Origin: muscle on the stable bone that doesn"t move. Head & neck organs salivary glands- parotid, sublingual, submaxillary. secrete saliva & amylase. Peritoneum- membranes. parietal (covers abdominal cavity), visceral (internal organs), mesentery (internal organs to body wall), & omentia (organ to organ) Liver- bile production: fat digestion, glycogen storage, transforming nitrogenous waste and digested nutrients. Liver located near digestive system to receive blood instead.