[EDPS 270] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (32 pages long)

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Document Summary

The lifespan perspective: the importance of studying life-span development. The more you learn about them the better you are with them. Development: the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span: characters of the life-span perspective. The traditional approach to the study of development emphasizes change from birth to adolescence (especially during infancy), little to no change during adulthood, and decline in old age. The belief that development occurs throughout life is central to the life- span perspective on human development. Early adulthood is not the end-point of development. At every age, your body, your mind, your emptions, and your relationships change and affect each other. Some dimensions or components of a dimension expand and others shrink. We possible have less plasticity as we grow older. Psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, neuroscientist, and (cid:373)edi(cid:272)al resear(cid:272)her"s all-share interests in unlocking the mysteries of development through the life span.