[PSY BEH 101D] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Document Summary

A great deal of change does occur in the 5-6 decades after adolescence. emphasis of developmental change throughout adulthood as well as during childhood. Life expectancy (the average number of years that a person born in a particular year can expect to live) has changed. During the 20th century, life expectancy in the u. s. has increased by 30 years. This increase is due to improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and medicine. Development is lifelong: early adulthood is not the endpoint of development; no age period dominates development. Development is multidimensional: development has biological (body), cognitive (mind), and socioemotional (emotions) dimensions i. e. attention, memory, abstract thinking are just a few components of the cognitive dimension. Development is multidirectional: some dimensions/ components of a dimension expand and others shrink. i. e. adolescence establish romantic relationships while their time spent with friends may decrease. Development is plastic: plasticity is the capacity for change.