BIO-3312 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Forest Gardening, Hyporheic Zone

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19 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Historic human impacts on waterways in appalachia name and explain them. Loss of beavers due to fur hunting (loss of water infiltration, species/ habitat diversity) Clearcutting from logging (straighter streams, runoff decreases quality) Mining - acid mine drainage, mediated by limestone. What is acid mine drainage and how is it remediated leaks from mines into water supply (pyrite to sulfuric acid), mediated by limestone. Where is water stored 97. 5 % ocean, 2. 4% land, rest in atmosphere. Interception water hitting something other than land on the way down (trees, understory plants, etc) Terrestrial aquatic linkages (what are they?) (greatest in headwater streams) Effects of impervious surfaces prevent infiltration, affects base flow of streams, Effects of climate change on water cycle increases evaporation, alters precip patterns, wetter and drier climates. Effects of deforestation on water cycle reduces transpiration and infiltration, increases runoff. Dissolved oxygen amount of gaseous oxygen dissolved in the water, warmer water = less do.