SOCI 2030 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Research, Longitudinal Study, Cohort Study

348 views7 pages
13 May 2015

Document Summary

Another way is to avaluate by guided rules providing valuable and reliable knowledge. When we measure something and we record that measurement, we produce data. We need to offer logical explanation for data. Aggregate: collection of many individuals, cases or other units, such as nations, groups. We"re often looking for the attributes of population, relationship or non-relationship of variables. Control variables: intervening variable: smoking => lung tissue damage. => cancer: conditional variable: income (high, low, male, female, trans) => capital punishment, source of spuriousness variable: x appears to change. Y, actually, s affects both to x and y e. g: number of fire trucks affects to damage of fire, but actually size of fire affects both number of fire trucks and damage of fire. Deductive approach (theory => hypothesis => observation => conclusion) Informed consent (they need to know what they are in ) Their participation is voluntary (that means they may withdraw.