SOCI 2030 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Content Analysis, Feminist Theory

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Authority accept something as true because someone of authority says its true. Accept something as true because it is the way things always have been . You rely on what everyone knows and what just makes sense . Media myths television portrayals of crime, and of many other things do not accurately reflect social reality. If something happens to you, you personally see it as an experience, you accept it as true. Overgeneralization: when some evidence supports a belief, but a person falsely assumes that it applies to many other situations too. Selective observation: tendency to take notice on certain people or events based on past experience or attitudes. Premature closure: person feels he/she has the answers and does not need to listen, seek information, or raise questions any longer. Halo effect: when a person overgeneralizes from what he/she accepts as being highly positive or prestigious and lets its strong reputation rub off onto other areas.