PSYC 2130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chocolate Cake, Ego Psychology, Psychoanalytic Theory

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Chapter 11: the workings of the unconscious mind: defenses and slips. According to psychoanalytic theory, ________ occurs when the mind battles itself. a. splitting c. neurotic conflict b. negative conflict d. psychic conflict. The primary result of psychic conflict is ________. 2. a. depression c. anxiety b. aggression d. immorality. The ego suppresses the id for ________ reasons. Another name for a modern-day psychoanalyst is a(n) ________ psychologist. a. id c. ego b. superego d. latent. Modern ego psychologists believe that the key function of the ego is to. ________. a. reflect the values and morals of parents b. interpret dream symbolism c. seek pleasure d. form compromises among the different parts of the mind. Trisha, who is on a diet, passes a bakery and sees a chocolate cake in the window. She immediately wants to go in and get the cake, but then realizes that eating the cake will only destroy her diet.