KINE 4420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Myocyte, Proprioception, Aero Fighters

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A particular physiological response depends on the initial level of the system: the higher the level, the smaller the increase. Ceiling and floor effects: amount of change at one extreme of the system cannot be compared with an equal change in another. Holds true for muscles, vascular tone, and respiratory systems: not for skin conductance o. Lability: tendency of a person to respond to events. Habituation: a decrease of elimination of response w/ repeated presentation of the stimuli. Rebound: tendency of a system to rebound past its original level before settling back. Orienting response: body activates physiologically while a person is attending to a novel stimulus. Defensive response: a person"s response to an intense and potentially painful stimulus. Fig 2. 35 pg 92: selye: all sympathetic systems were equally activated when the gas occurred, finite amount of life energy: each time psychophysiological systems are turned on, some of this life energy is used up.