HUMA 1625 Study Guide - Final Guide: Labyrinths, Nerd

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In this second portfolio entry i will be using the critical skill reading. Contextually to explore themes and texts that relate and connect to the course. I will be demonstrating this critical skill through the themes labyrinths and names & power of. Naming, which are exemplified in the texts the garden of forking paths , by borges and she unnames them , by leguin. Reading is trying to understand text in context of our own time. To begin, the short story the garden of the forking paths , by borges exemplifies the theme of labyrinths. While exploring this theme through borges work i discovered that labyrinths are frequently constructed with natural material, embark on a journey and hold something important at the center. In the gardens of the forking paths , we as the audience see how the story begins in one place and it starts to take a life of its own.