HUMA 1160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Manichaeism, Anthropomorphism

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Question 1. is worth a total of 40 marks; question 2. is worth 40 marks, and question 3. is worth 20 marks. Discuss as fully as can (i) anthropomorphism, (ii) extreme mysticism, iii) moderate mysticism, and (iv) analogy, as theories of religious language. Discuss fully (1) philo"s arguments against this hypothesis; (2) cleanthes" attempt to refute. In his article, hume"s dialogues on evil , tweyman writes the following about philo"s attack on manichaeanism: Throughout his attack on manichaeanism, philo proceeds in a scientific manner- insisting that hypotheses be stated in such a manner that they can be confirmed or refuted by having recourse to observation. His point [i. e. philo"s point] is that no observation or set of observations supports manichaeanism, and that all observations are compatible with but one hypothesis regarding the deity: indifference (page 193) Using tweyman"s article, show how philo argues that manichaeanism cannot be supported by observation.