HUMA 1160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Manichaeism, Anthropomorphism

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Students are permitted to bring a lined sheet of paper containing 8 lines (in normal handwriting) for each question (=24 lines in total). Question 1. is worth a total of 40 marks; question 2. is worth 60 marks. Question 3. is an optional bonus question, which if done satisfactorily, will raise your final mark on this test by a half grade (e. g. from c to c+; b+ to. Students should attempt all questions: we know that thinkers in the enlightenment were concerned with the meaningfulness of religious language. Discuss as fully as can (i) anthropomorphism, (ii) extreme mysticism, iii) moderate mysticism, and (iv) analogy as theories of religious language. Be sure to include in your answer difficulties that have been raised with respect to each of these theories of religious language: in parts 10 and 11 of david hume"s dialogues concerning natural. Discuss as fully as you can cleanthes" defense of each position, and.