BIOL 2010 Midterm: biol 2010 midterm 2 notes -3

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8 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Microarray analysis- helps study which genes are active in particular tissues and to learn how gene expression changes during specific developmental processes and under environmental stress- pathogen attack, water deficit or lack of nutrients. Comparative genomics provides important information about evolutionary. Comparative genomics compares the gene content, function and organization of genomes of different organisms. Comparisons of genome sequences-greater understanding of evolutionary relationships among organisms. First clear cut result from comparative genomics was confirmation of three domains of living organisms-bacteria, archaea and eukarya. Greater sequence similarities exist among members of same domain than between members of two different domains. Many sequences are found only in specific domain. Prokaryotic genomes are highly diverse and can undergo horizontal gene. Prokaryotic genomes consist of single circular chromosome. Half of genes identified in prokaryotic genomes can be assigned function. Quarter of genes have no significant similarity to any other known genes in bacteria- considerable genetic diversity among bacteria.