Biology 2581B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Horizontal Gene Transfer, Apicoplast, Dna Repair

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Creates netlike routes of evolution to depict history of life. Cells are: compartments that contain chromosomes (dna, dna is machinery for genome replication and expression, cell division. Segregation of genome into daughter cells: eukaryotes contain cytoskeleton and intracellular membrane partitions. Viruses: intracellular parasites, encode some proteins essential for viral replication but not the rnas required for translation or metabolism. Similarities between species: darwin tree of life, post darwin. Groups of organisms that share a common ancestry and form a branch in the tol. Unicellular organisms like bacteria were hard to compare: carl woese. Compared nucleotide sequences of a molecule (rrna) 16s rrna because it is in all cells. Derived a global phylogeny of cellular organisms. Three breakthrough by woese: molecules undergo evolutionary change, detection of 16s rrna sequence conservation in all cellular life supported. Darwin"s common ancestry theory: luca really existed.