BIOL 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Georges Cuvier, Erasmus Darwin, Andes

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5 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Lecture 1-2: chapter 3 pg 39-41, 55,56: two explanatory systems: special creation and organic evolution, ve differences between these systems, 1. one evokes divine being, other is natural process 2. He knew about fossils and suggested animals slang from the seas. Charles lyell: sediments and sedimentary rocks using to contribute to the time span of earth, palaeontology: study of fossils- remains or traces of organism from the past, mostly in sedimentary rocks. Mutations do not occur to adapt to needs: 2nd misconception results from individuals adapting to the environment populations evolved individuals do not. Two major predictions of evolution: species are not static but change through time, species show varying degrees of relatedness ve themes vastness of time, extinction, Transition features, vestigial features, real time examples of change. Strata at different horizontal locations can be correlated as well by index fossils. A useful index fossil has to exist for a relatively brief period of time with a wide distributions.