ADMS 2600 Study Guide - Final Guide: Performance Appraisal, High Tech, Human Resources Development Canada

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Chapter 5 expanding the talent pool: recruitment and careers. In order to identify qualified candidates for the job of tennis teaching professional, canmay tennis. Clubs have job candidates face a series of situations while they are observed, such as dealing with a series of e-mails from an unhappy club client in a difficult situation, role-playing a lesson, and a behavioural interview. Which of the following methods of identifying qualified candidates is canmay using? a b c d an assessment centre interviewing a work sample. If an executive search firm found a successful candidate for the role of a senior executive where the annual salary is ,000 per year, what would be the most likely fee charged by the search firm? a. It would increase recruiting costs. a b c d. It would lead to revitalization of the organization. It would lead to an increase in information about a rival"s competitive advantage.