PO101 Study Guide - Final Guide: French Revolution, Tea Party Movement, Socalled

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The rise and spread of the european (western) state: the state is the structure of rue over a defined territory and people, european state has developed from a wasp to a locomotive, until 17th century: Was impossible to separate state from ruler. Officials who ran affairs of state were appointed and paid by the ruler. Salaried bureaucracy began developing and its most important function was to collect and administer taxes dominating others taxation and the principle of the modern citizen army. Capacity to extract taxes + access to modernizing economy + large rural population = some states: french revolution transformed capacity of european state, leading to level form of, 19th century: Laid foundation of modern state: state officials expected to advance state and public good over ruler, officials developed rules and patterns of administration that separated them. As european state grew stronger, new institutions and legal principles had to be from the rest of society established to constrain rules.