PO101 Study Guide - Final Guide: 40 Minutes, Dime (United States Coin), Social Capital

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Section 1: short essays write 4 (four) out of 6 (six) short essays (approximately 3 to 4 paragraphs; maximum 5 points for each answer; overall 20 points for section one). Plan to use 15 to 20 minutes per question. Section 2: one mandatory essay question (please choose only one of the two; your answer is worth 10 points). Plan 40 minutes for the mandatory essay question. Required reading: textbook chapters: 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, lecture notes, the rise and the spread of the european (western) state. European governments adopted the greek/roman political ideology during the renaissance where is was discovered. Then the ideology was in development during the 17th-19th centuries where it was carried often forcefully to other parts of the world. Colonialism (the practice of acquiring full political control over another country occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically)