OL224- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Individuals want to maximize gain and minimize loss. Individuals choose among alternatives by selecting one they think they have the best chance of attaining. Identify several leadership practices that contribute to organizational innovation: creativity and innovation, creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas, organizational creativity is the creation of a valuable, useful new product, Inspirational and powerful communication: nonverbal communication, use perfect posture, use positive head and hand gestures. Plain language movement": style, word choice, structure, length, active voice, concise, ordinary words. How did you get into what you do? . Diversity, leadership development: diversity, advantages but more than just a competitive advantage, globe project, cultural intelligence, canadian diversity, data from the latest canadian census reveal that an estimated 5. 3 million. Canadians belong to a visible minority, accounting for 16. 2 per cent of canada"s total population. This is up from 13. 4 per cent in 2001 and 11. 2 per cent in 1996.