Political Science 2211E Study Guide - Final Guide: Neoliberalism, Americanization, Money Supply

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Globalization: a process of international integration arising for the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. However, there seems to be an ongoing debate about globalization and its importances/ perspecitves. Some argue that because of globalization borders are now meaningless and there is a global community and culture. Others argue that there is little new about globalization and that many countries use it as a supplement to their economy and remain rooted in a domestic market with a soverign state. Yet, there is no denying that some countries such as china and india have been more exposed to globalization then others . The neoliberal perspective of globalization generally that it should continue and has not gone far enough. That state ownership, taxes, tarriffs should be reduced and privatization, and deregulation and foreign sale should be increased.