Political Science 2211E Study Guide - Final Guide: Massachusetts National Guard, Keystone Pipeline, Capital Account

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Neo = new therefore a new form of liberalism started by small group of individuals including hayek and milton. Main ideas revolved around individual freedom and free markets. Opposed interventionist policy which was the norm, postwar society. Private iniiaive and enterprise results in higher wages and standard of living, not government intervenion. Neoliberalism become more prominent and well known after the. U. k margaret thatcher became pm in 1979 and adopted neoliberal policies. U. s adopted neoliberal policies as well with ronald reagan as elected president in 1980, introduced deregulation, tax and budget cuts, confronted trade unions. Canada - brian mulroney is eleceted as pm in 1984: neoliberal reforms continued under cretiens liberals and harpers conservatives. Examples of neoliberal reforms: emphasis on balancing budget, privatization of crown corp, weakening of social safety net. Emphasize strong property rights, free markets, free trade, and rule of law. Govts should run balanced budgets, reduce taxes, reduce program expenditures, keep inflation low.