Media, Information and Technoculture 2000F/G Final: MIT2000 Exam Review

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Notes on last exam that were bad: people didn"t say what the significance of each point was, explain a narrative about the facts your giving don"t just state them, give context and show how facts relate and connect. Define the terms that you are using, show you know everything you"re talking about. Don"t assume the ta knows anything about anything. Plan your stuff before you start writing, have an intention. For the essay section: she would like it if you have an intro, conclusion and three body paragraphs like a formal essay (should be about 2-3 pages ish) Best way to study: pick out key words and themes and try and write out a pretend exam, the kind of questions that will be important. We had five weeks since midterm so you have five weeks of stuff: so pick out three top points from each lecture. Nick: low culture entertainment, its five cents to enter theatre (hence.