CTCS 190g Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Continuity Editing, Thaumatrope, Proxemics

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5 questions, 4 required, 20 min per q. Lecture 1 (lays a conceptual background for future films): A different culture will produce a different kind of film, but also a film will create cultural attitudes in different societies. Purpose of entertainment is to entertain, purpose of art is to provoke thought and emotions. Film is seen as technology, so may be seen less personal, while art may be more personal to the audience. There need to be certain things in place for film to work. P of v is when our brain combines the moving of still images shown in rapid succession to make it look like a moving picture. No language barriers in early silent films, so appeal to a large audience. Tickets not as expensive as a theatre show. Helped foster sense of identity for masses as a cultural force. Created a sense of community because people would go watch together.