Health Sciences 2250A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Photovoice, Health Impact Assessment, Delphi Method

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Document Summary

It can help ensure that resources are allocated to result in maximum health benefits. Allows planners to apply principles of social justice and equity to practice. Helps to determine community capacity and relationships across different sectors. Unique questions specific to the needs assessment. May not directly identify the needs of the pp because of how/when/who the data was collected and variables. That have been designed to anticipate the response problems. In cases where people in the pp cannot respond for themselves/do not want to respond, planners must collect data through a proxy by asking another source or looking for behavioural indications (indirect measures) Opinion leaders are respected in the community and accurately represent view of the pp. The ability to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. Bias is lessened due to everyone receiving the same questions. Low cost, however it usually provides a low response rate.