Computer Science 1033A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Computer Animation, Gif, Traditional Animation

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COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Animation overview: what is animation, types of animation, file types of animation, animated gifs, history of animation. Introduction to animation: why use animation, easier to show somebody how something works than to try and explain it. In animation, each frame overlaps the previous one: movement is caused by rapidly displaying each frame in sequence, creates the illusion of a moving object. Frame rate (fps: frame rate indicates the playback speed of the animation in frames per second, the lower the number of frames per second, the slower the image moves. Types of animation: 2-d animation, cel animation, path animation, 3-d animation. Both types are made of frames: the more frames per second, the more believable the movement will be, the bigger the final version of the movie file will be. Q: the path the object follows has to be a straight line.