HST250H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ethnomethodology, Gender Studies, Participant Observation

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6 Sep 2018

Document Summary

If a treatment will help/if something will work: did a treatment work, more specific than outcome research, quick definitions, theoretical vs. Individual level: systems/methods, philosophical level (scientific method, faith, etc. , theoretical level, principle/proposition level (relations between phenomena, conceptual level (state of being, thing that can be caused, variable level (what/how we measure, index) Inquire: recording answers, clarifying meanings, confirming understanding, can also experiment and simulate. Independent - has been selected as a possible influence on variations in a dependent variable: control variables, a variable that has been taken into account in exploring the relation between an independent variable and a dependent variable. Idea of an imagined possibility both the researcher and the person whose behavior is being revealed. Independent of each other: levels of measurement, nominal. Involve separate categories, qualities, states (any ordering, assignment of numeric values is arbitrary: ordinal. Identify primary sampling units and select from those. Identify sub-units within selected primary sampling units and select among those.