HST250H1- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Positivist approach: research is a tool for the learning of the mechanisms of how things work things are knowable a(cid:374)d u(cid:374)(cid:272)o(cid:448)eri(cid:374)g ge(cid:374)eral (cid:862)la(cid:449)s(cid:863) of (cid:272)ause a(cid:374)d effe(cid:272)t i(cid:374) the (cid:449)orld. It can be through anatomy, physiology, social behaviour: positivist (scientific) postulates, behaviour is naturally determined. Its patters are identifiable and observable (objective: all objective phenomena are ultimately knowable, nothing is self-evident, things become defined and then become truth (e. g red light, truth is relative, hurri(cid:272)a(cid:374)e ir(cid:373)a"s stre(cid:374)gth is relati(cid:448)e, knowledge evolves. Involves planned research activities to logically deduce various versions of the theory reasonable explanations of events and occurrences. If you observe something today, is it the same thing tomorrow: circumstances can change. Is a statement about the relationships between phenomena: theories answer, whither: to where and to whom, whence, whether, why,how,when,where,what,who/whom, concepts and variables. Independent variable: diagramming conceptualization, dependent variable, qualifier variable, also called control variables.