BIO120H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Daniel H. Janzen, Lamarckism, August Weismann

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of. Lamarckian evolution: incorrect belief that individuals evolve and pass down acquired characteristics (linear view, not branching) Sent manuscript to darwin, also on natural selection. Essay on the principle of population (1838) helped darwin realize the passing down of favourable traits and elimination of unfavourable ones. Principles of geology helped darwin realize gradualism in evolution. Used mark-recapture method to demonstrate bees travel up to. 23km/day called trapline foraging , done by bees, moths, hummingbirds. Pest pressure hypothesis: seedlings far away from parents more likely to survive in tropical forests due to pests. Found mutualism between devil"s garden and ants ants nest in stem, create formic acid to kill other plants. Studied finch bills on daphne major using mark-recapture, found a lot of evidence of adaptive radiation. Won nobel prize for discovering transposable genetic elements. Father of modern/mendelian genetics: discovery of discrete inheritance. Fundamental theorem of natural selection: more genetic variance.