BIO330H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Solidago Canadensis, Interspecific Competition, Phytoplasma

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28 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Bio330 lecture 11 - intraspecific competition (9) (within species) Competition is a ( - - ) or ( - 0 ) interaction: interference vs. Exploitation: intraspecific competition, law of constant final yield, -3/2 power law, size hierarchies, read chapter 10. Look at graph on slides: plants perform worse in the presence of competitors can test for competition by growing species together or by removing competing vegetation, either with other plants or other species in general. It is easy to identify potential competitor in plants. Types of competition (mechanism: interference: direct interaction between individuals, interference is common in animals, less so in plants and is often controversial, ex. Bio330 lecture 12 - interspecific competition (10) (between species) Key points: coexistence vs competitive exclusion, tilman"s resource ratio approach, nonequilibrium alternatives, read chapter 10. Number of species that can also coexist is important: doesn"t explain why you can get the diversity of plants. Equilibrium model (tilman: tries to predict both extinction and diversity.