BIO202H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cud, Peristalsis, Body Plan

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24 May 2017

Document Summary

Lecture 6: feeding and digestion (chapter 8 and 9) Most fish eaten by north americans (na) are piscivores (fish that eat other fish) Example would be cod, tuna, salmon and pollock: their prey feed on zooplankton, mostly crustaceans (copepods), which would feed on phytoplankton. Energy is precious resource, and natural selection has favors the evolutions of mechanisms the increase feeding efficiency. Plants: abundant in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, the plants are mostly abundant in fresh and marine water. These types of plants are unicellular are most likely detritus. Other animals: they also live in both terrestrial and aquatic environment, they carry a lot more protein than a plant but they are harder to capture since they can hide and also present defense mechanisms. Suspended food particles are very abundant in the aquatic environment while airborne food particles in terrestrial habitats are rare. Spiders are able to ingest their webs getting nourishment from the protein.