BIO153H5 Final: BIO153 Final Exam Review Winter 2015 – Chapter 28

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26 May 2016

Document Summary

Bio153 final exam review winter 2015 chapter 28. Alternation of generations: a life cycle in which there is both a multicellular diploid form, the sporophyte, and a multicellular haploid form, the gametophyte; characteristic of plants and some algae. Blade: (1) a leaflike structure of a seaweed that provides most of the surface area for photosynthesis. (2) the flattened portion of a typical leaf. Conjugation: (1) in prokaryotes, the direct transfer of dna between two cells that are temporarily joined. When the two cells are members of different species, conjugation results in horizontal gene transfer. (2) in ciliates, a sexual process in which two cells exchange haploid micronuclei but do not reproduce. Dinoflagellate: member of a group of mostly unicellular photosynthetic algae with two flagella situated in perpendicular grooves in cellulose plates covering the cell. Diplomonad: a protist that has modified mitochondria, two equal-sized nuclei, and multiple flagella.