HIS2160- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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History of the middle east from world war i. Ta sheri khan skhan173@uottawa. ca friday 12-1pm dms9128 starting sept 18. What is the middle east: vague eurocentric term. Religions: muslims, largest religious group in region, sunni, division in islam largest division in middle east (maghreb, shi(cid:859)a, division in islam large population in iran, iraq. Jews: located primarily in israel but also in morocco, egypt, algeria, tunisia. Ethnicity and languages: 3 main ethnic groups, arabs, turks. Iranians: smaller groups, kruds, armenians, berbers, an arab is someone who speaks arabic and it is their first language, defined by language and not race, holy language, not all arabs are muslim. Euro(cid:272)e(cid:374)tri(cid:272) (cid:448)ie(cid:449: emergence of integrated world market (18th century) = start of modern middle east, different ways of defining modernity. The emergence and development of islam: the time of the prophet muhammad (610-632) Islam emerged and developed as a faith and a political order.