GEOG 1300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fellah, Atlas Mountains, Doubling Time

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12 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Iran fought a major war during the 1980"s with iraq. Egypt"s peasant farmers are known as fellaheen. Egypt: coptic christian, israel: jewish, iran: shiite muslim, lebanon: hindu. Today, about 85 percent of all muslims are sunnis true. The arab state with which israel has a formal peace treaty is turkey. Libya: kuwait, iran, saudi arabia, and oman all border the gulf and are oil producers. The kurds are a national group struggling for political identity along the northern and eastern peripheries of the state of iraq. A minority group in northern iraq that has expressed its desire for an independent state is the kurds. Shi"ite muslims constitute the great majority of the population in iran. Afghanistan is not one of the 5 republics of turkestan. Kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, and kirghizia are four of the five republics of turkestan. The impact of the oil industry has been greatest in the countries with large supplies and small populations.