HIS 1120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Westfalia, Black Death, Purgatory

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The marriage between the protestant henry iv and the younger sister of the current french king, margaret, was meant to ease relations between the catholic and protestant french. Unfortunately, protestant leaders gathering in paris set off saint bartholomew"s day massacre. Involved protestants from germany and the netherlands, and catholic spanish sending in troops as well. This ended with the death of henry iii (the current king) and the succession of. He converted to catholicism because /paris is well worth the mass/ and france being. He promulgated the edict of nantes in 1548 which guaranteed religious freedom throughout the realm. While both this act and the peace of augsburg (1555) made moves to forward the allowance of both religions. However, this expressed the importance of unity of state rather than unity of religion, which had previously been the grounds for cultural divisions of individuals. Testified the growing power of the crown to control the religious faiths of the people.