ECO 1302 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Yellow Wallpaper

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Section 1: 40% of final exam (max one hour) Each option will offer the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken and some brief direction for your analysis. For each answer, you must analyze the specific excerpt from a work studied in class and tie the conclusions of that analysis to some of the overarching thematic concerns of the whole work. Each option will include an excerpt of criticism about a specific primary text (a story or novel) that we have studied in the course. You will be asked to read the critical excerpt, understand its argument, and discuss the relevant story or novel in relation to that critical argument, either agreeing or disagreeing with its position. Your answer will require that you quote the criticism and make references to specific parts of the primary source material, which you can describe in your own words. Fear of death (cid:894)the eye represents it cause it"s a cataract eye(cid:895)