CRM 1301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Salem Witch Trials, Moral Panic, The Burning Times

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Do we use theory in everyday life: yes, may not realize you"re theorizing, ex. the weather based on visual phenomenon/visual cues. What factors contribute to crime: poverty, substance abuse, lack of education, upbringing/environment/family, unemployment, underlying mental health problem. What is theory? a theory is: a hypothesis, an understanding, an explanation, simple, complex, abstract - ex. freud"s psychoanalytic theory, concrete. Crm1301 a theory is not: the truth, the answer. Kitty genovese - 1935-1964: attacked by a man but no one came to her aid, man left, assailant returned robbed her and beat her to death, no one came to help. Carl marx"s ability to allow individuals to see things in a different way: broad and simplistic, scope. Crime and deviance is relative to: time ex. prohibition = now a part of our every day life, place ex. laws in canada may not be applicable in other places.