[CRM1301] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (67 pages long!)

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Is crime rate increasing or decreasing: false: doesn"t seem like it is decreasing because of things like the media, our society feels like our community is more unsafe. People over 65 are most likely to be victims of crime: false: they are the highest but lowest likelihood, commercials that instil fear, they are more likely to go to places where crimes take place. If someone engages in crime, they are bad person: committing crime with the need to survive, crime is subjective, we have to be careful when we label a person as a criminal. Crime and deviance to relative to: time: i. e. the prohibition of alcohol. People who are not of age are charged or drinking, having and selling alcohol. In the past it was crime to engage in same sex intercourse. In everyday life we are constantly using theory to explain certain things.