BIO 2135 Study Guide - Amoebozoa, Citric Acid Cycle, Amoeboid Movement

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

9+2 organization: a bundle of microtubules extends from the base to the tip of a eukaryotic flagellum or cilium. Amoebozoa: one of the two unikont protist supergroups, along with. Opisthokonts have a posterior flagellum, with two centrioles and flattened mitochondrial cristae: the amoebozoa inhabit freshwater environments or soils. In protists, binary fission is the most common form of reproduction. In the phylum, ciliophora, binary fission occurs in the micronucleus during meiotic reproduction. Instead, an actomyosin cytoskeletal system one with actin filaments and myosin motors is the basis of pseudopod movement. Cilia: motile structures, extending from a cell surface, that move a cell through fluid or fluid over a cell. In ciliates, the cilia covering the cell surface are coordinating in such a way as to create water currents that bring food toward the cytostome. Endoplasm: the more fluid state of protoplasm in amoebas.