BIO 1140 Study Guide - Black Death, Reductionism, Emergence

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29 Sep 2014

Document Summary

Ages of sand, al-dinawari, alhazen, al-jahiz, aristotle, artificial taxonomy, avicenna, Essentialism, extinction, fact, folk taxonomy, great chain of being, harvey, Hierarchical system, hippocrates, historical narrative, hypothesis, ibn al_baitar, Induction, induction, industrial melanism, lamarck (jean-baptiste), law, leclerc (george-louis - buffon), linnaean taxonomy, linnaeus (carolus), logical prediction, Mechanical taxonomy, middle ages, natural sciences, null hypothesis, null hypothesis, Organicists, physical sciences, physicalists, primary reference, proximate causes, Sampling error, scala naturae, secondary reference, special creation, taxon (taxa), Taxonomy, tertiary reference, theophrastrus, theory, ultimate causes, van. Fourth age of sand = fiber optic cable (allowing the transmission of huge amounts of data and information at lightning speed around the world. ) catalogued plants. Writes in the same form on the evolution of plants, recognizes plant life cycles, recognizes the importance of reproductive plants he expands on the work theophrastus did his stuff is still in use in the 18-19 century.