BIO 1140 Study Guide - Growth Factor, Mitogen, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Feb 13: signal transduction: conversion of the signal to the cellular response. Integral transmembrane protein that has a ligand binding domain (water soluble). Ligand gated channels: they are channels and also receptors (nerves and skeletal muscles). Curare: is a south american blow dart poison. Binds to the receptor but does not activate the signal transduction pathway meaning that the muscle cannot contract: enzyme coupled receptor: receptor tyrosine kinase are an example of ecr. Intracellulary has tyrosine residues and a kinase (enzymes that phosphorylate proteins). Transfer 1 phosphate groups from atp to an r-group in the protein (mostly oh serine, threonine and tyrosine): phosphatise take protein group off the proteins. Response: cell growth: secondary messenger and g-protein stuffz, g-proteins are fatty acid anchored protein (alpha, beta, gamma) alpha subunit contains binding site for gtp and can hydrolyze gdp. Alpha unit with gtp can activate cellular pathways.