BIO 1140 Study Guide - Globular Protein, Microtubule, Cytoskeleton

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Cell division: two different sets of microtububles if the microtubules bump in the kinecticore chromosomes then it becomes a kineticore microtubule and the ones that do not are polar microtubules (extend across the cell) The kinecticore moves the chromosomes awat from the centre and towards the polar ends. It has a motor protein that dissociates the microtubule behind it leaving tubulin dimmers. Polar microtubules push apart the poles of the cell to help it separate into two cells, also involves motor proteins. Microfilaments: smallest cytoskeletal element in terms of diameter: ~7nm. Comprised of actin (g-actin), actin has a u shape and in the middle there is a binding site that binds atp or adp. An individual actin is a globular protein (g-actin), they string together to make a filament (f- actin). The individual actin always lines up with u pointing up. The minus end is where dissociation occurs and the addition of actin to the plus end of the filament.