BIO 1130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Filter Feeder, Polyploid, Devonian

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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The phanerozoic time period is broken down into three time periods. The paleozoic time period is further broken down into the. We leave off at time where there have been no major changes since, single celled algae. However this all changes during the cambrian explosion. The ancestor to every type of organism will develop in the oceans, and invertebrates and multicellular beings will come to fruition. Cambrian & ordovician multicellular life and invertebrates. Silurian & devonian carboniferous plants begin to develop. Permian marked by the largest mass extinction. A place of high radiation, at this point and time the weather patterns aren"t particularly important to the development of life because there is nothing above land yet. The only landmass present is laurentia, which is now the canadian rocky. The ocean is shallow and this provides the perfect place for life. The sun can penetrate deep and lots of algae are present.