PSYC 319 Midterm: Applied Developmental Psych - For Midterm.docx

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Midterm psyc 319: behavioral about moral character: will they resist a bad behavior despite motivations, cognitive moral character: intention behind behavior e. g. give donation to help or to impress the date, psychoanalytic moral character: morality defined in terms of feelings and defense mechanisms. : (lock and skinner) source of development is external, children are being written on by the environment and are passive in their development: blank slate, nativist/biological perspective: (darwin) development comes from within, child being written on by genes and is passive, tree or plant, structural/cognitive perspective: (piaget) development is an interaction between genes and environment and the child is an active agent in their developmental process, a scientist. Research challenges: can"t randomly assign, take children from daycare vs. homecare may differ on: family income level, family size, child characteristics, availability of care, parental attitudes towards careers, can try and control for this statistically.