PSYC 309 Study Guide - Final Guide: Slot Machine, Trolley Problem, Gambling

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Reasoning: a process of thought that yields a conclusion from percepts, thoughts or assertions: based o(cid:374) e(cid:454)p, i(cid:374)fo (cid:455)ou"(cid:396)e perceiving. Deductive reasoning: conclusions that follow w/certainty from their premises: given few pieces of info, can use that to deduce conclusion for sure. Inductive reasoning: conclusions that probabilistically follow from their premises. Is an estimate, there is a probability that that conclusion is valid. Relational integration: considering multiple relations simultaneously (highest order level of reasoning) Modus ponens = if a is true, infer b is true. Modus tollens = if b is false, infer a is false (valid to infer that mike did not understand this book) Affirmation of the consequent = if b is true, infer a is true (but there may be other reasons eg. went to lectures) Denial of the antecedent = if a is false, infer b is false (but there may be other reasons eg. absent from class, etc. )