PSYC 307- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Acculturation - is the process by which people migrate to and learn a culture. 1. that is different from their original culture: acculturation usually happens in a u-shaped curve, what factors make it difficult to reach conclusions on acculturation b. i. Migrants - those who move from a heritage culture to a host culture. Soujourners migrants intending to stay for a period of time (exchange. Honeymoon period period of time where people enjoy fun and excitement. 7. in a a new culture, very positive time usually lasting 6-18 months. Culture shock the feeling of being anxious, helpless, irritable and in general. 8. homesick the one experiences when moving to a new culture. Adjustment extends over a number of years and with time people become. 9. more and more proficient at functioning in their new culture. Reverse culture shock - when someone returns to their heritage culture and.