PSYC 307- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 111 pages long!)

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Is culture unique to humans: if by definition: culture refers to some kind of symbolic coding having a set of signals, icons and words that refer to something else that most members of the culture recognize. Then humans are only species with culture (symbolic coding: if by definition: culture referring to humans unique in being able to learn information from other members of species through social transmission. Then no, humans not only species with culture . E. g. animals (imo female macaque who started washing potatoes, and other members learned to do this from her) E. g. chimpanzees using tools to extract termites for food, bottlenose dolphins using marine sponges as foraging tools, killer whales having different dialects. Prestige bias: concerned with detecting who has prestige (seek others who have skills and are respected by others, side effect of prestige bias: People want to know everything about famous people.