PSYCH101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sigmund Freud, Aaron T. Beck, Cognitive Restructuring

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Client centered therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Attempting to recover unconscious
conflicts, motives and defense
Focuses on individuals’ abilities to solve
their own problems and reach their full
potential with the help and support of
the therapist
Recognizing and changing negative
thoughts and maladaptive beliefs using
procedures such as cognitive
Sigmund Freud: believed it was important
to bring the unconscious to our
Carl Rogers (humanistic therapy):
believed all humans could reach their full
Aaron Beck
Treat patients with neuroses (anxiety and
somatoform disorders)
Treat patients with neuroses
Treat mild to severe disorders (anxiety to
Goal: help clients properly understand
these truths to gain insight into
unconscious conflicts
Reorganize personality (3-5 years)
Goal: Reorganize personality
Client determines pace and direction of
therapy, therapists provides support
Goal: reorganize automated though
patterns; promote realistic evaluations
(4-20 sessions)
Symptoms caused by unresolved conflicts
from childhood buried in the unconscious
and intrapsychic conflicts (id, superego,
and ego) lead to anxiety and defense
Anxiety resulted from incongruences.
Believe affection from others is
conditional need to distort
shortcomings to feel worthy of
affection relatively incongruent self-
concept recurrent anxiety
defensive behaviour protects inaccurate
Emphasize and recognize
- setbacks due to personal inadequacies
- focus on negative events
-pessimistic projections about the future
Probed the unconscious using free
association, dream analysis, resistance
and transference
Provide a nurturing safe therapeutic
environment; supporting and accepting
to confront personal shortcoming
eliminate the idea of WORTH
Methods include stress inoculation
training, cognitive restructuring, exposing
people to experiences that they may have
a tendency to avoid
Insight therapies: involve communication between client and therapist to help understand and uncover psychological problems and
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Document Summary

Attempting to recover unconscious conflicts, motives and defense mechanisms. Focuses on individuals" abilities to solve their own problems and reach their full potential with the help and support of. Recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs using procedures such as cognitive. Carl rogers (humanistic therapy): to bring the unconscious to our believed all humans could reach their full awareness potential the therapist restructuring. Treat mild to severe disorders (anxiety to somatoform disorders) depression. Goal: reorganize automated though these truths to gain insight into patterns; promote realistic evaluations unconscious conflicts. Client determines pace and direction of (4-20 sessions) Symptoms caused by unresolved conflicts from childhood buried in the unconscious and intrapsychic conflicts (id, superego, and ego) lead to anxiety and defense mechanisms therapy, therapists provides support. Believe affection from others is conditional need to distort shortcomings to feel worthy of affection relatively incongruent self- concept recurrent anxiety defensive behaviour protects inaccurate self-concept.