KIN346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: White Adipose Tissue, Brown Adipose Tissue, Coronary Artery Disease

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Any material that provides nutritive requirements of organism to maintain growth its important. Social welfare : assistance to disadvantages people e. g. donate to those in need. Geopolitics who wants to supply n korea with food. Economic prosperity/security: food security, access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. Norman invented dwarf (strain of wheat); helped fight world hunger for little money in return. Lack of nutrients can lead to goiter, scurvy, rickets. Influenced by nutrients chronic diseases like heart disease. Diseases in which nutrition plays a role. - osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. Food has micro and macro divided by the amount in grams that we consume. Macro lipids, cho, porteins, consumed in grams. Micronutrient a nutrient that is needed in relatively small amounts (vitamins and minerals) Organic in chemistry; any compound that contains carbon, except carbon oxides. Inorganic any substance that does not contain carbon, except simple carbon compounds like carbon dioxide. Organic food food growth without use of fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics etc.