SOC 3740 Midterm: Courts and Penology Midterm Review

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Will contain multiple-choice & short essay questions (more information will be provided in class). Multiple-choice questions: will be drawn from lecture notes, articles, coursebook, and films. Essay questions: will only cover lecture notes find them in the lecture notes. Knowing dates, names, and locations are not necessary for writing the midterm. Do not need to know any statistics, only key concepts, especially in the book; no examples. Before laws, personal retaliation was the primary response to criminal behaviour. Catholic church used imprisonment as a form of punishment. House of correction in england opened in former royal palace. Operated on the principle that subjecting offenders to hard labour was the best solution to the rising population of criminals. Disposed of a large number of offenders through transportation. (decommissioned sailing vessels converted into floating prisons) At its peak, the hulk prison system had 11 ships, 3000 prisoners. Later 1700s john howard pioneered efforts to reform conditions in english prisons.